Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pure Frustration

Anyone who knows me knows I have an odd fascination with history that doesn't typically jive with my college majors or my chosen profession. So, if I delve into history to better understand the trends of human nature and gain more insight into where we are today, forgive me when you find it annoying.

I'm sincerely of the opinion we can learn from the study of history in ways that will help the future.

So...where am I going with this?

History of man...and woman.

There was once a time when men held all the power. Women were held in high esteem, however. Germanic tribes raised their women up as priestesses (never the HIGH priest), revering them as having a special connection with the spiritual world and more in tune with mother nature - primarily because of their ability to reproduce. Women were cared for because from them came the future - in the form of mewling babies that grew into strong and strapping men to carry on the way of life.

Somewhere along the way, though, misogynistic attitudes started permeating the male populace. Either that, or they were always there and with better communication came better awareness. Women were beaten, raped, emotionally abused...and had no way of combatting it.

Then rose a generation of women who said "NO!" this can not be how women are treated! So they fought, and they fought hard, for the right to protect themselves and their children from such abuse.

And then they took it a step too far. From the annals of Euripedes arises a generation of Medeas, who believe that men have gone too long in their power and that their abuses deserve such severe punishment as having their children murdered. God forgive them, at least they were merciful and did it PRIOR to birth.

Among other atrocities, the new movement of feminists has taught young women that they don't need men, that they are better off without them, recounting thousands of reasons of why women are better than men - from being faster in maturing all the way to who has the more beautiful body...and everything in between. We were taught to be educated (because you can't trust a man to always be there to provide for you). We were taught to forego children (because its a parasite feeding off you for 9 months of your life with no gaurantee that the father will protect and provide, leaving you to care for it til its 18th birthday). We were taught to establish a career first, putting boss before husband (at least the boss PAYS for services rendered).

But WAIT! This tale isn't over yet...far from over...

Men began buying into these lies, as well...foresaking marriage and giving into the results of the sexual revolution! After all, feminism introduced a revolutionary concept - sex without marriage OR the fear of babies!

Now, a generation of young women are growing up to discover that all they have been taught was...*gasp*...a LIE! Maybe not completely...there's still some nuggets of truth in that mess that we can take out, polish, and hold close. However, desires for companionship and children are far outweighing the pre-cautions and warnings that flash DANGER DANGER DANGER: MAN CAN NOT BE TRUSTED.

And with these new women come the matriarchs that gainsay the belief that marriage is unnecessary. Nay, they DEMAND that marriage is necessary for ALL. Unless your old and a man, and then your singleness is all your fault and you don't deserve the pleasure of young, supple, fertile flesh.

You, especially those that share the opinions expounded here, may think this story is now told and over.

But alas, you have introduced a whole new animal. From one pendulum swing to the next, history has let gravity take its toll, forcing it from one side to the next...perhaps getting closer and closer to an equilibrium that will only be experienced when my Savior comes back and rescues us from this torturous monster of time., men believe that there is very little hope in finding a godly woman. Maybe not that harsh, but that they are far too hard to find...and that the risks in finding them are so great that its hardly worth it. After all, even in the church, the women you find are only there for social discourse and all are probably looking for a relationship with a godly man. Definitly not only there to worship and learn about the God they serve.

Now, all women are so tainted by the education of feminism or mandators of marriage, that there's likely not one good pick among them.

Never mind that the girl sitting across the room has a genuine heart for God, loves to pour out her love for others (that is a reflection of God's love for her) in social and nurturing ways, desires to be a wife that Proverbs would extol and illustrates the type of submission that Paul hinted at in Ephesians. Never mind that she is single, longs for marriage, and is amidst men that desire the same. And yet her heart is never discovered. She is overlooked. Perhaps you can tell me why?

It seems that men have indeed shirked their duties as leaders, no longer providing protection to the women who are willing to submit to such leadership.

It seems to me that women who want to force men into those responsibilites are not helping by failing to teach women how to be submissive, loving (not bitter), and caring (not manipulative) wives ala Titus 2:3-5.

It seems to me that genuine and innocent hearts (both male AND female) are getting the short end of the stick, here.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. Perhaps you might try Ecclesiastes chapter seven, especially towards the end...around verse 28. Possibly that might explain why men are increasingly backing away from marriage- and Christianity. Men might not be terribly bright when it comes to women (they aren't), but if you hit a dog often enough, he might just react in a way that might surprise you. Just a thought from a (gasp!) evil man.

Christopher in Oregon

MarkyMark said...


I'm a Christian guy, but I have not been to church in decades. That's another story though, so I'll save that for another time. I wanted to address your point about Godly women being both ignored and lumped together with the feminazis.

One, many girls spend their best years partying and sleeping with the jerks of the world. When they hit 35 or so, they all of a sudden 'get religion', go to church, and hope to find a sucker, er husband. Angela Fiori has a couple of essays you should check out. She relates how her brothers, who are serious, observant, practicing Catholics are confronted with used up party girls at their church's singles group. I've seen this myself.

Am I saying that all people who find God later in life are this disingenuous? No, I'm not; I got saved later in life, and so have others. However, I can't see in someone else's heart, so I don't know if their repentance is GENUINE. Jesus said that ye shall know them by their fruits.

Having said that, even though a girl may be Godly and everything, a guy who's seen too many of the counterfeit Christian women is going to assume that she is too. What I'm saying is that, no matter how wonderful a woman may be, any guy meeting her is going to have his perspective colored by the WOMEN WHO CAME BEFORE HER. IOW, if he met mostly evil women who put on a good act at first, then he will be suspicious of any subsequent women in his life.

I have had positive experiences with women; I've had many in fact. However, they have NOT been recent. Furthermore, my experiences with women have mostly been negative in recent years. Ergo, I am not inclined to give any woman the benefit of the doubt anymore.

There are so many other things on which I'd like to comment wrt your post, but I do not have the time or energy to do so now. I will say this in parting though: don't look for the right guy; work on BEING THE RIGHT GIRL. Based on your post's contents, you've bought into feminism; you have feminist ideals; ergo, you're not suitable for a mate. Before you criticize me for being harsh, please take a GOOD, HONEST LOOK at your words; place yourself in a man's shoes; then ask yourself, if I were a man, how would I receive these words, and why? You want a good, Godly guy? Then work on being a good, Godly girl. Thank you.


Christina said...

MarkyMark, you said:
Based on your post's contents, you've bought into feminism; you have feminist ideals; ergo, you're not suitable for a mate.


Have you completely misread everything (I mean EVERYTHING) I have ever written?

Before you can ever say that, I'd encourage you to actually READ what I write. Because that can not be any further from the truth. Just because I don't buy into your mysogyny does not mean I buy into feminism. I can embrace a Biblical view of male and female without being mysogynistic or feministic.

Furthermore, most of my experience is with young women between the ages of 18-28. I can't speak for all of them and I certainly don't know much about women in their mid-30's and up. Your assessment of women does not extend to those young women that I describe.

Elusive Wapiti said...

Hi Christina, came over here from Mark's site.

I have to respectfully disagree with my brother Mark. I do not find your blog to be terribly shot through with feminist ideology; in fact, in the snippets I've seen, you talk about covering and submission and other topics that would make your garden variety feminist have a seizure.

I think the trouble comes from the historical narrative about men and women in this post. Granted, you try to sum up thousands of years of relationships between the sexes in three paragraphs--always a difficult endeavor. It just appears to this disinterested observer that the narrative is one taken straight from a women's studies manual, and that's pure red meat.

You wrote:

"men believe that there is very little hope in finding a godly woman...It seems that men have indeed shirked their duties as leaders, no longer providing protection to the women who are willing to submit to such leadership"

I think that these two phenomena are connected. I echo Mark's sentiments that Godly women are very difficult to find, and if Barna's data on divorce is to be believed, the Body isn't exactly a reliable place to find them.

I lucked out and stumbled across a quality woman of Faith and married her. But I think that the influence of feminism in the Church has affected both shepherds and sheep, to the point that gatherings are toxic for Godly men, and churches enable Eve's controlling nature rather than help her tame it.