Ever since I wrote my post to "my feminist friend", I've been seriously struggling with some issues.
I caught some flack for it, which is why its down now. I have my reasons for capitulating -
1) It wasn't right for me to attack this person's beliefs in such a public forum. I'm not quite certain what provoked me to do it, but I don't think it had much to do with her...other than her stance on the issue is constantly in my mind - CONSTANTLY.
2) Her faith in Christ is real and holding to something in a dogmatic way and allowing that to destroy a friendship isn't worth it. In essence, I was attacking a belief she has that has no bearing on her eternal soul - just a disagreement on an issue that I believe my way will lead to an easier life and she believes her way is the easier life.
How, as christians, do we proceed? I find myself with butterflies in my stomach wondering if i should go to a function tomorrow where she might be (and the other person who attacked me for that post) and i don't know how to proceed.
A part of me wants to debate this issue...the other part wants to forget about it.
For some reason, I'm more able to let go of political differences than this one (and abortion). I don't really know what to do...
If your friend's a feminist, then she's a MAN HATER-end of story. Don't believe me? Go read Kim's post on the truth about feminism if you don't believe me. For example, Robin Morgan said that man hating is "an honorable and viable political act".
Secondly, feminism is not compatible with Christianity; anyone right with God cannot embrace such a godless belief system. Jesus said that by their FRUITS ye shall know them (Matt. 7:16 & 20)...
You know, if i wasn't afraid of YOU attacking her, I'd point you to her arguments...but I've always felt a need to protect her from your type of extremism, i guess.
I don't argue that feminism is bad. Clearly, I think so...but I don't know how to debate this civilly and still remain friends.
Funny, because someone told me today that if we can't be friends while speaking honestly, then maybe we shouldn't be friends at all...but I don't like that answer much =/
Jesus came not to bring peace, but a sword. That sword will cut between mother and daughter, father and son. Not knowing what the issue was over, I can't say that it applies perfectly, but t may be something that you need to keep in mind. For a friend of the World in not a friend of G-d and the ways of G-d are foolishness to the wise in the world. But that worldy wisdom doesn't lead to life, rather to bondage. And bondage is an easy thing to get into as you only have to walk a degree to the left or the right and you will end up there rather than the narrow gate. And this is the plan of the enemy. Helping us to take ever so slight detours so that we never really know that we are no longer on the path, but off the path we are indeed.
That 1 degree (sin) is seductive because it allows us an easier life or a feeling of moral superiority or an ability to blame everything on "the man." But sin when full grown leads to death. If this is a sin issue, than perhaps you should follow up with the resolution process laid out in Scripture. This doesn't always work too well with todays churches as its not like they ever cast anyone out so its teeth have been removed, but following the Scripture is the right thing to do.
(I am sentencing myself to 30 lashes with a wet noodle for rambling, it'd be 40 but I stopped myself)
Sorry if you don't like the truth, but the feminist quotes to which I linked say it all. I don't have to attack anyone; all I have to do is point to the evidence...
Marky Mark,
The quotes were good - but nothing she would agree with...her "kind" of feminism doesn't believe in what that "kind" of feminism does.
I left a comment for Kim. Thanks for recommending the blog.
If we can cast aside the feminist question for a moment, and look at the PRAGMATIC view of your situation, let's consider an old proverb I heard back in my youth. It says: choose your friends carefully, for you BECOME what they are. I learned the hard way just how true that is. You might want to keep that in mind...
She is your friend Christina.. Better to stay by her side..
Agree to disagree.. Pray for her.
I know how you feel.. I have a friend who is a good and decent woman. We do not agree on some fundamental truths(abortion) Rather than get into an argument(she knows my position) I pray for her.
Leave it in God's hands.
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