Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby Name Baby Name


I'm a german, blonde, blue eyed ( eye is blue)...

Perhaps THIS would make a good name?

Or maybe not...

I read once that courts can deny a request for a baby name when making the Birth Certificate official.

Where were they on this one (or should I say 3)?


Learner said...


On my! Those parents have set their child up for a lifetime of harassment. My sister is a nurse and she had one lady name her daughter after one of the meds they gave her during delivery!

Do you and your fiance have any names picked yet?

Christina said...


As of right now, the only one doing much thought on the subject is the one suffering from the subject.

Fiance would like to wait until after the wedding to make it all about baby :) Which I'm ok with...but its so hard to not think about him when he's kicking me and making me throw up my favorite foods (or avoid them...)

However, names I've picked out that are awaiting Fiance approval and/or additional ideas are the following:

James Edward
David Nathaniel

Elusive Wapiti said...

Yow! Although one can argue that FDR or Mao are just as bad of names, given the suffering that those leaders inflicted.

I am of German extraction as well. Trouble is that names harkening back to the Fatherland don't sound to well. And the names that do sound decent are for girls (ex Liesel) way I was going to name my sons Helmut.

"James Edward" is a good start...

Learner said...


I like both of those names. The wedding is this month, right? (that is what my sketchy memory of what you said over at Amir's blog).

Christina said...


9 Days and counting.

December 27th :)

Lost in The World said...

Y'know, nerd legend speaks of 3 men who, the weekend that "Phantom Menace" came out, changed their names to "Obi Wan Kenobi". Of course, being nerds they were all but guaranteed to not procreate...

Still, I know of at least one Aragorn Arathorn. Never doubt the commitment of a nerd girl...

Sanity, Yes. Commitment? No.

Christina said...


You seriously make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

In many European and South American countries, children's names have to be approved by the government. A few years ago, a German couple wanted to name their baby boy "Osama Bin Laden", but they weren't allowed to.

Here there aren't any such restrictions. Though it's easier here for the kid to change his name legally when he comes of age.